The Chimps. This week has been very exciting for our youngest members. They have been making patterns by rolling cars in paint and then across paper to make beautiful colourful tracks. If that messiness wasn’t enough for Cheryl and the team, they have also been exploring corn flour that constantly changes consistency, hand printing and making firework pictures with spaghetti. A new fun addition to the room is their interactive board that the Chimps simply adore. We are looking forward to getting even messier next week!

The Howlers. In the role-play area the Howlers have been left holding the baby with our pretend baby changing area. They have been discovering how hard it can be putting nappies and clothes on dolls, feeding them food and bathing them.
On a separate messy note – the Howlers have been busy creating firework masterpieces and getting up to their elbows in wet spaghetti, which was a lot of fun. If this wasn’t enough they’ve had time to build enormous towers with the Megablocks and practiced saying each other’s names clearly by saying them when rolling a ball to each other during group time.. Sweet.

The Baboons have been familiarizing themselves with home chores in their own Launderette. They washed and dried clothes, pretended to iron them and practiced the art of folding. In the garden the children became beautiful fishes and sharks on the climbing frame ocean and were able to swim very fast down the slide. During group time their shape of the week; the circle, kept hiding from the children so a daily hunt was in order which was very exciting. On a messy note the Baboons have been getting sticky with sparkly jelly, making firework pictures. The children enjoyed sharing stories of the beautiful colours they saw in the sky on firework night as well as the strange loud noises they heard.

This week has been an excitingly busy one for the Gorillas, with many trips out and lots of fun outdoor play whilst the Gorilla classroom was revamped into a super stimulating place to learn. Please feel free to check it out next week – there are a few displays still to do but it is looking fab. They took a trip to the seafront and the West Pier playground, where the children were able to pretend to be pirates visiting a desert island. A Trip to Dyke road park later in the week saw them going on a bear hunt in the maze…luckily this time no grizzlies were discovered. On a separate note, the children have been discussing and discovering multicultural paintings, including handprints and patterns painted on hands.

We made the staff a new healthy cookbook this week so they can make more savoury dishes with the children at cooking times – we feel it is really important for them to learn about savoury textures and tastes and are training the team up so your little ones will be making your sunday roasts for you before you know it (not by themselves of course!).

Next week Sussex Police are paying us a visit to teach the children about all the great things they do. Should be fun! Take a look at the pictures to get more of an idea of the week – oh and the slightly blurred celebration you can see is the children and team wishing Lottie a happy 21st birthday. Happy Birthday Lottie!

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