Plant-based nutritionally balanced menu

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we’ve adopted a plant-based approach to all our meals here at the kindergarten.

Our menu

We create our snacks, puddings and suppers with the children, mainly using fruit and vegetables grown in our kitchen garden. Our plant-based lunches made for us by The Professional Nursery Kitchen.

“We believe that food is a fundamental part of early education. The tastes a child encounters in their early years can influence their dietary habits and preferences for the rest of their life. There is also an innate link between food and education, so we support our partner nurseries to ensure that food and nutrition is a key part of the curriculum. Our team of chefs, dietitians and nutritionists are passionate about early year’s food. With such a specific focus, they ensure that all meals and snacks are age appropriate, nutritionally balanced and delicious.”

The Professional Nursery Kitchen is specially designed and equipped to produce healthy meals for pre-school children. Using them allows us to offer a wide variety and continually introduce new dishes and flavours into our menus. Meals are prepared in their kitchen in exactly the same way as you would at home, only with the added benefit of professional chefs and equipment.

They use the best locally sourced ingredients and deliver fresh, not frozen. All of their recipes are available on the menu page so that you can make your child’s favourite dishes at home.

(Please note – all the meals ordered by Young Friends Kindergarten from The Professional Nursery Kitchen menu above are the plant-based, allergen free options.)



Young Friends Kindergarten Plant Menu
Young Friends Kindergarten Plant Based Seasonal Menu

The kitchen

The kitchen is central to the kindergarten, so our children experience the wonderful smells as meals are being prepared, and also get involved in preparing food and composting afterwards. We use as much as possible from our kitchen garden. The children take great pride in eating things they’ve grown themselves!

We cater for all dietary requirements and allergies, so will replace anything on our menu where needed.

Sustainable and seasonal

Because we shop, forage, grow, harvest and cook sustainably and seasonally, your children will have a holistic ‘seed to plate’ experience, embedding an early, healthy interest in food.

Young Friends Kindergarten Plant Menu 2