We’re going on a bear hunt…
Rein-acting their favourite story, the Gibbons went on a bear hunt singing the song and looking at the different characters and scenery within the book. Hunting the bears around the room, hiding and searching high and low. Talking of highs and lows, in group time the Gibbons have been recognising their emotions and learning their friend’s emotions by looking in mirrors at each other. Pointing out facial features on themselves and pointing to their friend’s face and seeing each other’s smiles. Exploring the various textures and spotting the assorted colours in the fruit and veg basket, the Gibbons passed assorted basket around in group time and enjoyed smelling their favourite tastes. Lastly, please check out the new Autumn display with a large tree with their very own designed cotton wool balls dipped in glue and paint and stuck on the tree. Collecting leaves from outside and having their photo taken to go up, the board is now up and ready for all to see and we must say it looks fantastic!
Baboons go bananas…
Cutting and blending bananas, pears and apples, the baboons turned their favourite fruits into a delicious smoothie for their snack. Guaranteed the smoothie got everywhere, but the Baboons laughed whilst pressing the button on and off and loved their tasty treat. With the Autumn season getting into swing, the Baboons got creative with finger painting constructing trees using Autumn colours. Carefully cutting out various pictures to make their own trunks and finger dabbing their branches and leaves, the finished pieces were very impressive. Three bowls of porridge oats, three different beds and three various chairs, the Baboons acted out the story to Goldilocks, taking it turn to play the part of the different bears. Rattle, shake, BOOM! The Baboons investigated their sound box, guessing what the sounds were and what object made them. Rice shakers and musical books were some of the objects discovered in the sound box. BOOOOOM!
Uno, Due, Tre…
Learning and counting to 5, saying their names and high fiving each other in Italian were some of the things the Gorillas learnt in their Italian lessons this week with Chiara. Soon without a doubt the way these fantastic lessons are going the children will be fluent and ordering their gelato in no time. Aswell as their weekly trips to the allotment, the children have also been embarking on Nature walks around Hove Park and St Anns Well Gardens. The Gorillas collected conkers and measured the sizes between them. They collected various leaves and inspected the assorted colours and shapes of the leaves. They discussed Autumn and how the eaves were starting to drop from the trees and they made colleges with their favourite leaves to show the changes in season. Having a sensory experience over at the Reggio Emillia Table as they added herbs to their homemade playdough. Crunching in cereal, pouring over flow and sticking in leaves and grass the Gorillas made pizza lookalike creations. Zooming around like rockets, the Gorillas danced around the room and talked about how they would like to go to space. Also in the music and movement room saw some of us shedding some tears as we had our last pre-schoolers party this week. We wish all the pre-schoolers the best of luck in their futures and we are positive they will all be bright ones!
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