As you know, the children rule the roost here; we are mainly child-led. However, our day does have a little bit of necessary structure.


Breakfast is served between 8 and 8:30 Foxes are dropped off at the iron gate on the left and Hedgehogs at the side entrance on the right of the building. It is usually a very busy time and we understand that no-one likes hanging about (especially in cold weather). So, feedback from home must be kept to a minimum. Instead you should send a message to your key person, via Famly. Unless agreed beforehand, we are not able to take children before their booked session time because we staff the nursery according to need. We have strict staff/child ratios to adhere to. Our mornings are spent exploring child initiated interests, going on trips (local parks, shops, the kitchen garden, beach) or engaging in eco-warrior activities (cooking, looking after plants, mending broken resources, sorting the recycling etc.) We offer a snack at around 10am Lunch is in two sittings so it doesn’t become hectic. The younger children eat around 11:45/12. When they have finished and are tucked up for their naps, the older children eat.


After lunch we encourage the children to rest their bodies with mindfulness, stories and occasionally yoga. The afternoon pretty much mirrors the morning, offering a snack at around 3:15. We have a trip rota for the older children to ensure fairness. Again because of ratios and safety we can only take a few children at a time. With over 70 families on our books, that is quite a few children to get round! The kitchen garden is a short bus trip away, and is visited weekly by the school leavers during the growing season. Again, to ensure fairness, your child will usually go every two weeks. Shorter, adhoc trips are done more regularly. 4pm is busy as it is home-time for some of the children, and staff. Each door has white-board informing you of the day’s activities. More personal feedback will be given to you by the member of staff handing over your child. For the children who are booked in later we offer some low key activities in the garden or the physical room, they actually really enjoy helping us to tidy up and hang out laundry! We have dinner at 4:45. Nursery closes at 6pm, when both Hedgehogs and Foxes are picked up at the left hand side gate. We then manically run around tidying and cleaning, getting the environment ready to start the fun all over again the next day! Please pick your child up on time and be understanding and kind to the staff. This can be a very busy time.