Loose Parts

Every parent, at some point, has noticed how children unwrap presents, then 10 minutes later the toy lies discarded while they play with the box.


We’ve taken that a step further, and become a ‘loose parts’ kindergarten 

What Does Being a ‘Loose Parts’ Kindergarten Mean?

It means we have no ‘toys’!

But if that sounds a bit odd, don’t worry. There’s plenty for your child to play with. You just won’t find any pre-made, pre-determined toys here (and certainly no plastic).

Instead, the nursery is ‘seeded’ with items that your child can use for play and problem-solving in a way that interests them, developing their creativity and confidence every day.

Pre-determined toys – dolls, cars and even premade puzzles – can limit children’s creativity. But take a block of wood, some wheels and a few simple tools; an original creation can become anything!

Loose parts are far more exciting for your child. They’ll learn to explore, make, build, and problem-solve while developing self-reliance, imagination, resourcefulness, and creativity.

Everything has its place, so children always know where to find things. This is important, after all, who knows when they might need some string, a pine cone or a bottle top – and for creativity to flow they will need it right there and then.

Using all these wonderful loose parts is also good for the environment, as we’re re-using and upcycling materials instead of throwing them away. Anything from the interesting to the mundane could form part of our plethora of open-ended equipment, so we often accept donations from our families – very handy when having a house clear out!