High-Quality Interactions

Our highly trained staff connect with children, interact with them, observe their interests, and link their learning to the exciting activities and experiences that we provide.

We understand the importance of high quality interactions for language development and critical thinking skills. Our staff are trained to engage in Sustained Shared Thinking, using open ended questions and notice Teachable Moments.

Sustained shared thinking involves two or more people (adults and children) working together to think about different problems and to analyse different concepts. It is when you are totally absorbed with a child, whether that’s in a conversation or an activity.

This process can happen anywhere and at any time but requires all participants to be actively involved. There needs to be genuine interest from both parties so they can work towards resolving the problem.

‘Teachable Moments’ are when the practitioner identifies that a child is learning through play and may take the opportunity to extend learning by providing additional resources or asking open-ended questions “I wonder what would happen if we…” These teachable moments are at the core of our pedagogy (how we effectively enable development).

Sparking Interest and Exploration

We try to ensure that children have high levels of wellbeing and involvement throughout each day. This enables their interests to be visible to the team, who will then ‘seed’ the room with things they know will spark more interest and exploration. It’s just one of the ways we instil a love of learning in every child, and it works.

High quality interactions small
High Quality Interactions

Children Learn to Take Responsibility

It’s also important that children learn to take responsibility for themselves early on, and to look after their environment and other children. So your child will be involved in everything to do with their day, including food preparation and tidying and cleaning up after themselves when they’ve finished an activity. Our families tell us that this can have a big impact on how they behave at home, even when they are really little!

Your child will be encouraged to do whatever interests them that day. Children are supported to see themselves as learners, find out about themselves, respect each other and engage and care for the environment.