Week beginning 19th August…
We’ve had trips to the beach, the most amazing role play areas, wonderful creative activities and fascinating sensory experiences this week and the children and staff have loved every minute of it!
Farm Shop Role Play
The Gorillas have had yet another fantastic role play this week, with a complete Farm Shop. They had a tractor, plants, fresh produce and a shop section with prices, tills and money. The children have absolutely loved playing the various roles involved and have also taken part in different activities linked to the theme. They made maps of the farm and plotted where the different animals would live. They also learned new animal songs, listened to farmyard stories, constructed lego farmhouses and at group time discussed all of the amazing products that come from different animals and learnt about wool. Elsewhere around the room the children were playing with the new dolls house, making junk modelling creations and exploring the different sounds of our multicultural musical instruments.
Puppet Show
The Baboons have had the most amazing puppet show this week. The children collected their tickets and were treated to a fantastic show put on by the staff and were even lucky enough to share popcorn for the show. The role play area was transformed into a Café with menu’s, tills, crockery and lots of play dough food which the children have loved preparing and selling to each other. For messy and creative play, the children have been junk modelling with big items and then covering their creations with coloured tissue. At group time the Baboons watched a bear hunt on the laptop and then went on their own one through the room and into the garden and they even had time to do a brilliant activity of sticking different types of pasta through holes in boxes.
Exploring Shaving Foam
The Howlers have had a lovely time creating mess this week with oodles of coloured shaving foam each day, which the children have been exploring and spreading everywhere. On the main table they have been creating individual hats and decorating them with their choice of colours and glitter and also painting pasta to create new sensory toys. In the garden the little ones have been practicing their running with chases around the grass and feeding and watering Sizzles the rabbit. On the mark making table the children have been drawing and scribbling on post-it notes to stick around the room and at group time they have been saying each others names and pointing to their friends.
Trip To The Beach
The Chimps have been doing lots of colourful printing this week. They have used old willies to makes some funky prints and big lego blocks to create some equally fun prints. They have had an amazing role play area which has been transformed into an Aquarium. The babies had a tented space with shells, sea life, sand and interactive hangings to enjoy and absolutely loved it. Another lovely activity they did was adding food colouring to water bottles and watching the colours swirls and mix which was fascinating. There has also been lots of brilliant garden time and a super fun trip to the beach where the Chimps got to collect seaweed and dip their feet in the sea.
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