This week has been full of Children in Need and we wish to thank you all for supporting us in our fundraising efforts. The Argus came in today to see our ‘Great Nursery Bake-Off’ with guest judge Peppa Pig and say they have taken some brilliant photos and it will be in the paper tomorrow. We might even be on the Children in Need TV program tonight so look out for a montage and our Peppa Pig mascot and you may see us! The Children have learned what it is all about and have had the most amazing time. Fabulous stuff.
Our Chimps this week have been looking at photos of themselves on a big board and recognising their own pictures. They have been doing Children in Need-related activities too – one of the main ones being making Pudsey shaped cookies and cakes that they put on our shelf to sell for Children in Need. They actually looked pretty good! They have been looking at pictures of Pudsey and reading teddy bear rhymes and reading teddy bear stories to get into the spirit of things. Their water was full of spoons of all different shapes and sizes which they really enjoyed scooping up over and over again. For their main ‘exploration’ activity this week the Chimps had their box of all different keys and chains out – a massive collection of all different keys of all different sizes, some in bunches and some by themselves – we all know how much babies love keys so they got loads out of this activity. The Chimps got gooey with gloop and then played games where they colour coordinated objects into groups (with a little help of course). They giggled and played and cosied up in their circus tent and they danced and jiggled about with pompoms in music and movement. They looked at lots of patterns and pictures in black and white board books and they even went on a crisp sunny autumn walk.
The Howlers also made lovely Pudsey biscuits to sell and they made Pudsey eye patches too! They practiced stacking blocks really high and knocking them down again – a classic but popular every time. They practiced their listening skills by listening to different sounds and identifying them at group time. They role played and did an awful lot of roaring during grouptime and squealed a lot as they tried to catch lots of bubbles during sensory play. They coloured in pictures of Pudsey and they had a fabulous teddy bears picnic in Pudsey’s honour. They went on an autumn nature walk to collect leaves and other autumn-related things. The Howlers had a visit from Pudsey herself this morning – they were a little taken aback – except Kira who couldn’t stop cuddling her – well done Kira.
The Baboons shape of the week was a heart so they have another one to add to their repertoire! They created an autumn table after going to the park to collect lots of autumn type things. They talked about what they found and how the things grow etc. For communication they sat in a circle and talked about differences between children and different needs. They did an’ over and under’ theme obstacle course which they loved. They also made Pudsey biscuits which looked really good and they talked about what went in them and stirred and carefully cut out the shapes. They had a brilliant baby role play area where they all got very involved in every aspect of baby care. This was especially nice for the boys who became really immersed. They looked at books about and talked about school and what happens there!The Baboons sang some songs to Peppa Pig and were a little braver when it came to giving her a cuddle. Their little faces were a picture.
Our Gorillas have been so prolific with the Children in Need theme it is amazing. They introduced the week talking about Children in Need and what it means and why we are supporting it. They started off by painting a massive Pudsey and learning all about him. Then they spent the week making Pudsey cakes and biscuits and selling them to parents and anyone who would take them. In the same theme they ran a charity shop in their role play area and they recycled old clothes by painting them and adorning them with collage bits and bobs. They also went on a very clever number hunt all around the room. They practised directing their Beebot around and they threw balls through hoops with one hand and through and over all sorts of other things to refine those gross motor skills and hand eye coordination. They collected autumn leaves and pine cones etc.. and are starting a really good collection which they have been talking a lot about and investigating with magnifying glasses. Today (Friday) they did their ‘Great Nursery Bake-Off’ for which we fgot a bit of attention from the press. They had such fun and met Peppa Pig and even had a dance with her. It was a truly fabulous morning full of total excitement. We will be putting the video on the website in the next few days and will let you know when it is up.
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