Frozen Veggies, Yoga Fun and Troll Hunting. Week beginning 19th June 2017…

Gibbons have a Pea Party…

Frozen peas aren’t just for eating, out Gibbons have a frozen pea party mashing, rolling around the peas and even eating (of course). The frozen peas managed to get all around the room but it was all great fun getting cool from being outside. After having play time outside, but with the weather being so hot (not complaining) the Gibbons decided to come inside and cool off in the artic sea tray with ice and chilly water with the seals and whales swimming around the ice tray. During the mornings, the Gibbons whipped up a batch of frozen yogurt lollies with yummy blueberries and bananas inside. These tasty treats were then enjoyed in the afternoon as a special snack during this gorgeous hot weather. Simon says touch your head, simon says touch your nose! Taking an adventure upstairs to the music and movement room, the Gibbons played some games of simon says copying the adults in their actions. Learning coordination and parts of the body to play the game. It wouldn’t be the Gibbon room without some messy time and this week they had a wonderful time in some flaxseed slime getting it everywhere and on themselves. Squelching in the strange textures of the combination of the flaxseeds and the slime the Gibbons enjoyed throwing it around probably more than in the tray.

Balancing Baboons…

Upstairs in the music and movement room, the Baboons have been practising their balancing skills during Yoga. Hands on hips, balancing on one leg and relaxing carrying out Namaste the Baboons did excellent copying the moves. A game of match the animal the correct animal print had the Baboons guessing several types of prints from cow print to zebra print. Matching all the animals correctly the Baboons earned themselves balls of happiness at the new cool ‘do it yourself’ interactive wall. In creative time, after reading the Hungry caterpillar story, the Baboons designed their own caterpillars using assorted colours of felt material. After playing outside in this beautiful sunny sunshine, the Baboons cooled off at the water play area by washing their favourite cars, buses and trucks using soap and icy water. Lastly, the Baboons joined in with the Nature Kids and went up to the allotment with the Gorillas and helped in picking the currents to bring back to nursery. Enjoying their snack up in the sunshine and joining in on the natural habitats hunt with the Gorillas.

Trolls and Treasure…

When the Nature Kids went up to the allotment this week, they went on trolltastic hunt to find the various scary and funny trolls hidden around the allotment. The Gorillas collected them and acted out parts of the story around the allotment. Whilst playing up there and getting stuck into the various planting and digging exercise, the Gorillas also made their own sequence of Billy Goat Gruff and put the story jigsaw together. Working as a team they impressively put it together in chronological order and acted out role play of the story they have been learning about during the week in nursery. Peter and Mo have been kind enough to donate us some gooseberries, raspberries and flowers, they have been learning about dangerous plants around the allotment. They have come and joined us for lunch this week and picked some red currents and black currents from our patch and took all the broad beans harvested out. Because it has been so hot this week the children have being doing very well to keep our plants and vegetables growing hydrated. More importantly they also kept themselves well hydrated by keeping their water bottles on them whilst they walked around and were sure to go in the shade especially at the hottest part of the day. If you haven’t of guessed, this week has been Billy Goat Gruff themed and the children have been reading the story and speaking about the animals and the troll in the story and in the Small World using the animals to re-enact the parts. Finally, after a splendid week of fun and sun, the Gorillas carried on having a wonderful time in the music and movement room with our new hoola hoops pretending to be Hawaiian dancers on a sunny sunny beach.

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