Seasonal Updates

All children learn and develop in a way and timespan which is unique to them. We don't see this process as linear, children visit and revisit new skills, embedding and adapting them to different circumstances.

Our curriculum is built around the child, encouraging a love of the process of learning. However, we realise that early intervention is paramount for any areas needing support. We check in on your child’s learning four times a year, using the Young Friends Growth Cycle. If more support is needed, and for any shared reports e.g. two year progress check, we will also use the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure a shared language with other professionals.

We observe your child; their play, their interests, their needs and their schemas, and their Key Person dynamically and formally plans (seeds) the environment accordingly. In this way, children take a lead on their development. Learning through their play at a pace which suits them.

Our Seeding is an effective system unique to Young Friends which informs how we set up the areas and plan experiences to address all children’s interests and skills, using our curriculum as a framework.


You will receive weekly Pod photos, as an overview of activities. These may or may not include your child but are a lovely discussion point for home. We will also send a monthly personal photo overview, so you can see what your child has been doing here at Young Friends.