The Gibbons have been tossing bean bags for music and movement this week. The older ones were throwing them into a box, and the little ones gave them a little chew and a squeeze. They’ve explored ice cubes, and soapy sponges along with some splendid splashing in the water. Finger tips have got very messy as they were creating marks in coloured sand and rice on the Reggio Emilia table. This was very exciting for those with scattering schemas as the room became a rice field in no time at all. The Reggio Emilia table also took a good bashing this week as the children turned it into their own big drum using the spoons from the Gibbons campground. They’ve also been great hosts for a very tasty tea party, pretending to pour tea and eat all kinds of role play flavorsome foods. The new Shiny object treasure basket has been pulled upside down as they’ve explored the new beads and chains within.
Cars have been almost everywhere in the Baboon room this week. Not only have they been rolling them along ramps and through tunnels, but they’ve also been driving around the giant small world house and through the paint. Drain pipes and tubes have brought a lot of enjoyment with these two year olds this week. Some children even added tunnels to the end of the pipe for the cars to roll through further. How clever. The cars are now looking sparkling clean after having a wash in the water tray as they got very messy during their painting activity. The group rolled cars over a giant piece of paper using an assortment of colours. The children have also been putting dolls to sleep and climbing up and down the stairs of our new giant doll’s house, which is so big they have added vehicles to drive around inside.
The Gorillas have been creating their own campsite in the role play area. They’ve added tea sets, bonfires and tents using tires and coloured material. The Reggio Emilia table has been an area of pleasant aromas from the scented tea bags. With a bit of water, the Gorillas have been exploring smells, taste and texture as they’ve pulled them apart and made their own works of art. Tatty Bumpkin took the group on a whirl wind adventure as they travelled through the jungle to find a rather heavy bee unable to fly on a flower. The children learned some of the ‘bee-fit’ program to help the bee to become lighter and fly again. The phonic sound of the week was ‘L’ and the children looked around the environment for objects related to the sound.
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