So, another fabulous week at Young Friends has whizzed by again. The team have once again ensured the children have had masses of fun, laughed a lot and done lots of fantastic activities. We’ve had detailed and innovative role play areas, some creative cooking bursting with fruit and vegetables and much more. Here is a rundown of each groups week….
Wow what a home corner!
The Gorillas have had fantastic home role play area this week. They’ve been preparing and serving play dough meals, caring for and putting babies to sleep, sending emails on the family computer, doing their own washing which they then hung to dry and ironed and folded up. On the creative table the children have been recognising and selecting the first letter of their name and decorating it on big sheets of paper with paint, glitter and collage. There have been lots of clever games for the Pre-schoolers to play with rhyming cards games, comparing bears for sizes and colours and going on a shape hunt around the room – they found lots of shapes some of them in really small and difficult places. In the garden the Gorillas have been making the most of their amazing selection of open ended resources by making all sorts of constructions with tyres, planks and crates and have really enjoyed working together and with the team. To top it off, they have also talked about using their manners at group time and about their friends that have left and started school.
Healthy Fruit Skewers:
The Baboons took part in an amazingly colourful and healthy activity this week. They helped to cut up lots of lovely fruit and feta cheese, pushing them onto skewers to make tasty and nutritious kebabs. They also got very creative as they worked as a team to make a fantastic dolls house by painting and sticking together boxes and making windows, doors and furniture. Around the room the lucky Baboons were busy making gluey sticky sand dough in their messy area, creating beautiful music together with all their favourite instruments at music time and rolling cars through jelly, custard, glue, paint and all sorts of different media on the creative table. As if that wasn’t enough, the children also spend oodles time in the lovely garden and concentrated on setting up a mud kitchen in the digging area to prepare lots of lovely mud pies.
Colourful Ice Painting:
The Howlers had such a brilliant time this week. Their main activity was a wonderful ice painting session. The children helped pour their favourite colours into ice lolly makers, froze them and then used them to make some beautiful artwork for their parents. The role play area was turned into a Doctors surgery this week with uniforms, Doctors kit, bandages, syringes and much more for the little ones to enjoy. In their sensory area there were coloured water blocks to explore and their sensory basket full of textured materials. Elsewhere around the room the Howlers enjoyed playing with safari animals, laptops and keyboards and playing musical instruments to their favourite songs.
Sensory Light Box Den:
The Chimps have had an action packed week as usual. They had a light den full of sensory lights and glowing things and light up toys which the babies absolutely loved exploring and were totally fascinated by. On the creative table the children took part in a lovely activity creating artwork with paint bubbles and they also glued pictures of their own shoes onto coloured paper which they thoroughly enjoyed. There was lots of fun garden time for the Chimps and in the room, they also had giant mega blocks, bangles to place on shape sorting poles and a treasure hunt for hidden keys in their sand tray.
Just another little update – the children have new sleep mats at sleep time and new sheets so they are extra comfy at sleep time. Also – the World Awards are approaching and we have been shortlisted for three so fingers crossed that we get another trophy.
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