Young Friends Tribe

Sustainability is a big word that’s being talked about a lot in nurseries, but we believe that very few are taking sustainability and eco-awareness to the level that we do.

That’s not to blow our own trumpet in any way. We want share what we’ve learned, to help other kindergartens and nurseries to achieve their own levels of sustainability too.

A true sustainable nursery is not an easy thing to achieve, and much depends on the location and environment where a particular nursery is based.

With the Young Friends Tribe we’ve built a framework to allow other nurseries to take a step-by-step journey towards creating a sustainable nursery at a level which is possible for them.

Young Friends Kindergarten Recycling

What is the Young Friends Tribe?

The Young Friends Tribe aims to provide inspiration and motivation to other nursery owners and staff, showing them what they CAN do so that they can make small changes, one at a time, which eventually add up to a big change.

Everything starts with the child. The Young Friends Tribe is based on instilling a love of learning, a passion for preserving our planet and enthusiasm for the natural environment from a young age. By inspiring children to think about their world, and enabling them to learn in a natural way, we unlock their natural sense of fascination, and they develop a life-long love of learning as well as becoming more confident, more self-aware and more conscious of their own role in looking after themselves, each other and their world.

Through the Young Friends Kindergarten, our flagship for the Young Friends Tribe, we aim to ensure that as many children in the Brighton and Hove area as possible grow up with a clear understanding of their own role as future saviours of the planet.