Jingle Bells!
The Gibbons have been getting very excited about the imminent arrival of the man in the red suit! The room has been a whirl of festive activity. In the Reggio area, the children have been practising their present wrapping skills using tissue paper and wrapping up everyday objects. In the small world area, the children have been using the people and the pretend house to role play the song “When Santa got stuck up the Chimney”. They have also been getting all crafty and creative by making Snowman Christmas cards. The children have been developing their fine motor skills by gluing tissue paper on to Frosty the Snowman cards. The Gibbons also enjoyed their Christmas party – playing games such as hide and seek with bows – and of course the highlight being the receiving their present from Santa. Storytime has also had a Christmassy theme with the children helping to tell stories and the children have been learning Christmas words such as ‘presents’ and ‘Santa’
Ho Ho Ho!
The Gorillas have been making some delicious ginger biscuits and learning all about how ingredients can be combined by pouring and squeezing and then cooked to make a tasty treat. The children mixed together honey, egg, flour, spices and vanilla extract. Once the gingerbread was cooked, the children left the biscuits for Santa. Later, the children were delighted to discover that Santa had left them a thank you letter. The Reggio table has become part of Santa’s workshop complete with pine cones, shiny things, string and most importantly Santa’s ‘To Do’ list. The Gorillas have been practising their all-important present wrapping skills using wrapping paper, scissors, Sellotape, boxes and ribbon. The Gorillas have also been busy at the allotment making Christmas trees out of sticks, leaves, glue and tree shapes. At Nature Kids Plot, the Gorillas have been getting scientific – investigating the properties of ice – noticing what happens to it when crushed and talking about where it comes from and why it forms.
Festive Fun for Everyone…
The Baboons have also been getting very much in the festive spirit. They’ve been making Christmas trees and Santa’s using red and white handprints. They have also been getting creative and making Christmas cards and wrapping Christmas presents. To avoid Christmas overload (if you can have such a thing!), the Baboons have been making banana bread – not very Christmassy, but very yummy, so we’ll let them off!
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